Browsing articles in "SPI/Secmicon Philippines"
SPI/Semicon Philippines, Inc.

A picture of some of our extrusion lines in Cavite, Philippines
Registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission under SEC Requistration No. A199803195.
Registered as an ECOZONE EXPORT ENTERPRISE with the Philippine Economic Zone Authority, under Certificate of Registration No. 98-041
BIR Registration No. 98-540-005256
BIR Registration No. 03-9112986-5
General Information
- 11 High Speed Extrusion Machines
- 1 Unit Profile Projector
- Silk-screen Printing
- 2 Air Compressors (1 Back-up)
- 2 chillers (1 Back-up)
- 1 Cooling Tower
- 2 Semi-Automatic Silk-Screen Printing Machines
- In-house machine Shop
Manpower Complement
- 3 Managers
- 4 Sales/Admins
- 3 IQA/Engineering
- 100 Production
Process Capability
- All types of single-extruded PVC tubes up to 3″ width
- Recycling
Monthly Tube Capacity
- Present- 5,000,000
Managing Director and Location Information
David W. Lim
Block 2, Phase 3, Peza Drive
First Cavite Industrial Estate (FCIE)
Barangay Langkann, Damarias
Cavite, Philippines
Tel: 046.402.0354/402.0553
Fax: 046.402.0252
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